Even the smallest donations make a difference.
Your support is pivotal in the fight against domestic violence.
Thank you for joining the fight against DV!
24-Hour Crisis Intervention:
Each year, our 24-hour DV support line answers approximately 10,000 calls from survivors of DV. Callers receive confidential counseling, safety planning services, and information on community resources, provided by trained DV advocates. W.O.M.A.N., Inc. also anchors the community by using our hotline to provide after-hours access to advocates on behalf of partner organizations. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Domestic Violence Information and Referral Center
Our innovative, online interactive community network allows domestic violence service providers and member agencies statewide to share, network, and access updated information in real-time so that effective resources and referrals are offered to survivors. Last year, there were over 90,000 hits on the DVIRC.
For those looking for one-on-one connection, we offer 5 free sessions of peer counseling, provided by a trained DV counselor advocate. We also offer therapy on an income-based sliding scale for survivors looking for more in-depth support.
Spanish-speaking survivors benefit from case management and client advocacy via our Latinx Program. Within this program, our experienced staff support Spanish-speaking, Latinx survivors who navigate DV and its intersections such as racism, xenophobia, economic abuse, etc.
Finally, we train community members to become DV counselors on our 24-hour DV support line.
Thank you for your donation! We invite you to learn more about our work on our website: womaninc.org